Did you or someone close to you get hurt in a car accident along Interstate 95 in South Carolina? Whether you were driving through a rural stretch of farmland or navigating rush hour in the city, the crash might have left you with painful injuries, costly medical bills, and an inability to return to work. However, if someone else caused the crash, they could owe you money for your losses.
Pursuing an injury claim can be difficult, but there’s no need to go through it alone. The legal team at Jebaily Law Firm stands ready to demand the maximum possible insurance payout for you. Let us handle the legal work so you can focus on getting better.
Contact us now to learn more about how we can help in a free initial case review with a car accident lawyer in South Carolina.
What You Should Know About Interstate 95
Here are some quick facts about Interstate 95:
- I-95 is America’s longest north-south interstate highway, stretching continuously for more than 1,920 miles from Miami, Florida, to Houlton, Maine.
- I-95 passes through 15 states – more than any other interstate highway in the U.S.
- I-95 is the most-used highway in the U.S. with respect to vehicle miles traveled.
- I-95 serves approximately 10 percent of America’s land area but nearly 40 percent of the U.S. population – roughly 110 million people.
- The population density along I-95 is similar to that in most of Western Europe.
- I-95 is frequently cited as one of the most dangerous and deadly highways in America. It was the deadliest highway nationwide in one recent year.
- That year, there were 379 traffic fatalities along I-95 throughout the U.S., for a shocking annual fatality rate of 19.7 traffic deaths per 100 miles of highway.
Where Is I-95 Located in South Carolina?
I-95 enters the southeastern tip of South Carolina in the Lowcountry, near Hardeeville and the Savannah River. It runs north for 198.76 miles before passing over the North Carolina state line near Dillon.
South Carolina’s portion of I-95 goes through mostly rural areas, stretching past thousands of acres of farmland, forest, and many small towns. But some parts of I-95 come close to the outskirts of northern and western Florence, where the highway’s usual four lanes of traffic expand to six lanes. This six-lane expansion, which cost $68 million, was necessary to accommodate increasing residential and tourist traffic near popular Myrtle Beach.
A significant portion of I-95’s traffic in the Palmetto State consists of drivers traveling between Florida and the Northeast. As a result, the highway is a critical lifeline for many rural communities along it, providing a vital connection to the rest of the nation.
How Can I-95 Be Dangerous for a Driver?
I-95 is incredibly dangerous for drivers for several reasons, including:
- High traffic volume – I-95 is consistently one of the busiest highways in the nation, with millions of drivers zipping along it every day. This constant stream of users means congestion, stop-and-go traffic, and a greater risk of accidents.
- Poor road conditions – Many sections of I-95 were built decades ago, and time has taken its toll in the form of potholes, uneven lanes, and general wear and tear – not to mention outdated design.
- Poor roadway design – Some parts of I-95 have difficult roadway designs that increase the risk of accidents, especially for tourists and snowbirds who aren’t familiar with its challenges.
- Distracted driving – Everyone on I-95 is trying to get from point A to point B, but not all drivers can deal with the wait. Some motorists engage in dangerous distractions like texting while stuck in traffic, putting everyone on the road at risk.
- Aggressive driving – Traffic congestion on I-95 brings out the worst in many people, some of whom respond to stressful delays with aggression. Aggressive drivers cause wrecks when they speed, tailgate, or try to run others off the road.
I-95 Accident Statistics in SC
The South Carolina Department of Public Safety provided the following statistics covering one recent year
- 1,529 traffic collisions happened along the section of I-95 that passes through South Carolina.
- 1,207 of those accidents resulted in property damage only (PDO).
- 26 of those accidents reportedly resulted in serious injuries, and 277 resulted in other injuries.
- 19 accidents were fatal, resulting in 21 deaths.
Common Types of Crashes on Interstates
Common types of traffic accidents that occur on interstates like I-95 include:
- Rear-end accidents – Rear-end accidents commonly occur on interstate highways when heavy traffic is moving at high speeds and vehicles slow down or stop unexpectedly.
- Sideswipe accidents – Sideswipe accidents are common when drivers on interstates make improper merges or lane change maneuvers or drift into neighboring lanes due to inattention or impairment.
- Head-on accidents – Head-on accidents can occur on divided highways like I-95 when drivers get on the freeway in the wrong direction or when a vehicle crosses the median.
- Multi-vehicle accidents – Many interstate traffic accidents involve multiple vehicles, which commonly occur in bumper-to-bumper traffic when several motorists in a row follow too closely behind each other.
How Our SC Car Accident Lawyers Help People Injured on I-95
When you come to Jebaily Law Firm for help after an I-95 accident in South Carolina, you can count on us to help you by:
- Explaining your rights
- Conducting an investigation into the I-95 accident to determine what happened
- Identifying potential sources of compensation for your injuries
- Communicating with insurers and other parties on your behalf
- Obtaining medical records, accident reports, and other evidence to support your case
- Interviewing eyewitnesses and expert witnesses for compelling case testimony
- Managing important legal documents, details, and deadlines for you
- Filing insurance claim paperwork
- Negotiating with insurers to maximize your settlement
- Taking your case to court and representing you at trial if the other side won’t pay
Contact Our South Carolina Car Accident Lawyers
Were you hurt in a car accident on I-95 in South Carolina? The attorneys at Jebaily Law Firm are ready to answer your questions and fight for the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to get started with your free initial consultation.