Horrific Traffic Accident, Rollover Smoking and Burning Vehicle Lying on its Roof in the Middle of the Road after Collision.

Life can feel chaotic and uncertain after a rollover accident. The physical pain, emotional stress, and financial burden can be overwhelming. If you recently sustained injuries in a Myrtle Beach rollover crash, you might wonder how you’ll cover your medical expenses, make up for lost income, and get your life back on track. This is where a lawyer can help.

The Myrtle Beach rollover car accident attorneys at Jebaily Law Firm can support you during this tough time. We know how to handle auto accident cases involving a rollover and can work with you to seek the compensation you need to move forward. With over 50 years of experience and millions recovered for our clients, you can trust us to protect your rights during your recovery.

Call us today or complete our contact form for a free consultation with a rollover accident attorney in Myrtle Beach.

How Our Law Firm Helps Rollover Victims in Myrtle Beach

At Jebaily Law Firm, we understand how daunting life can be after a rollover auto accident. You’re dealing with pain, intense stress, and mounting bills. The last thing you need during this tumultuous time is the burden of handling a legal case yourself. That’s where we come in. Our team can take the weight off your shoulders by handling all the legal aspects of your case.

When you choose Jebaily Law Firm to represent you, we’ll handle everything from investigating the accident to gathering evidence and dealing with insurance companies. We know how to build a strong case to support your claim, and we’ll work tirelessly to protect your rights. You can count on us to keep you informed every step of the way, so you never feel left in the dark.

We’re committed to making this process as smooth as possible for you. While we handle the legal work, you can focus on what truly matters: your recovery. Let us take care of the details and fight on your behalf for fair compensation so you can start rebuilding your life.

Common Causes and Types of Rollover Accidents in Myrtle Beach

Understanding how rollover auto accident crashes commonly occur and the types of accidents that can happen is vital to identifying who’s liable for your injuries. Some of the most common types and causes of rollover accidents in Myrtle Beach include:

  • High-Speed Driving – When vehicles travel at high speeds, they become harder to control, especially on curves or uneven road surfaces. A sudden turn or overcorrection at high speeds can cause a car to tip and roll over, particularly if it has a high center of gravity, like an SUV or truck.
  • Collisions with Other Vehicles – The force from a crash can cause a car to roll over, especially if another vehicle hits it from the side. This is particularly common in T-bone crashes at intersections, where the impact can lift one side of the vehicle off the ground.
  • Road Hazards and Defects – Potholes, uneven pavement, or debris on the road can destabilize a vehicle, leading to a rollover. For example, if a tire hits a pothole at the wrong angle or speed, it can cause the car to flip.
  • Sharp Turns – Taking a turn too quickly or sharply can cause a vehicle to lose its balance, especially if it’s top-heavy. This is a common cause of single-vehicle rollovers, particularly on winding roads or highway exit ramps.
  • Tire Blowouts – A sudden tire blowout can cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle. If this happens at high speeds or during a turn, it can lead to a rollover, as the car may swerve uncontrollably or tip over.

Types of Vehicles More Prone to Rollovers

Some vehicles are more prone to rollover accidents due to their design and weight distribution, making it all the more important for automakers to take proper precautions to prevent rollovers. Vehicles that are particularly susceptible to rollover crashes include:


Sport utility vehicles (SUVs) have a high center of gravity, making them more likely to tip over in sharp turns or during sudden maneuvers. Their design, coupled with their increased popularity, leads to their involvement in a significant number of rollover crashes.

Pickup Trucks

Like SUVs, pickup trucks are top-heavy, especially when loaded with cargo. This makes them more susceptible to rollovers, particularly when navigating tight corners or uneven terrain.


Vans, especially those carrying heavy loads or passengers, are often prone to rollovers. Their height and weight distribution make them less stable, particularly during sudden swerves or high-speed turns.

If you sustained injuries in a rollover car accident and believe the vehicle’s design contributed to the crash, you might have a product liability claim against the manufacturer. Manufacturers have a legal duty to make sure their vehicles are safe and stable. If they fail to do so by not addressing design flaws or stability issues, they could be liable for your losses. This is where legal help can be crucial, as pursuing a claim against a large vehicle manufacturer can be complex and challenging.

Injuries Sustained in Rollover Accidents

Rollover motor vehicle crashes in South Carolina often involve significant injuries, including:

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Broken or fractured bones
  • Internal injuries (e.g., organ damage, internal bleeding)
  • Severe lacerations and cuts
  • Crush injuries
  • Whiplash and neck injuries
  • Amputations or loss of limbs
  • Burns (from fires or explosions)
  • Facial injuries (e.g., fractures, disfigurement)

Your Legal Rights and Options After a Rollover Crash in Myrtle Beach

Depending on how the crash occurred and other factors, you may have multiple avenues for seeking compensation after a rollover crash in Myrtle Beach. If the accident involved another vehicle, you could have a claim against the other driver if they acted negligently. The other driver might have failed to yield at an intersection, or they might have been drinking, speeding, or engaging in other negligent activity when the crash happened. If so, the other driver could be liable for your injuries.

You might also have a claim against the manufacturer of your car if they failed to take precautions to prevent rollover accidents. Pursuing a personal injury claim against an automaker can be challenging, but it’s crucial to hold these companies accountable for their errors.

Regardless of who’s liable for your injuries, a skilled attorney can help you seek compensation for your injuries and losses, including money for:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Reduced future earning capacity
  • Diminished quality of life
  • Pain and suffering
  • Damaged or destroyed personal property

It’s important to act quickly after a rollover accident to protect your rights. You only have three years from the accident date to file a lawsuit, and crucial evidence can disappear long before that deadline lapses. Talk to a rollover accident lawyer immediately to preserve your right to compensation.

Talk to Our Myrtle Beach Rollover Accident Attorneys Today

The Myrtle Beach Car accident lawyers at Jebaily Law Firm are ready to protect your rights and guide you through the aftermath of a rollover crash. Call us now or reach out online to get started with a free, no-obligation case review.